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Membership in the NLA makes a powerful statement about you and shows your commitment to the rule of law and the legal profession. Members have access to our member discount program, where they receive a discount on insurance, office supplies and much more.


As a legal professional, you need to join an organization that seeks to advance your collective interest of law. We have been the trusted voice of since 1992, supporting important public interest issues, working to protect our profession, and communicating the transcendent values our members hold dear.


Expand your networking opportunities — conferences, task forces, and volunteer groups nationwide or with other members in your local community.


By developing relationships with leading companies, you will be able to save on products and services you use every day for your personal and professional needs.

Discounts Matter

We are actively developing relationships with some of the top brands to provide more value members. Here are just a few examples:

About the NLA

The National Lawyers Association (NLA) is a voluntary association of lawyers in the United States. Founded in 1993, the NLA is a not-for-profit organization that helps to support and improve the legal profession.

Become a Member

The NLA is the growing network of like-minded legal professionals. All members have access to an extensive array of benefits.


Contact Us

National Lawyers Association
P.O. Box 25362 
Kansas City, MO 64119

Toll Free: (844) 917-1787

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